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Here you will learn about iberian lynx, its habitat and other important facts about it.It's one of the most rare animals in the world. Its population has been endangered, but fortunately some projects have heleped to its recovery.








First, the iberian lynx is similar to the eurasian lynx, but about half a size.

Adult malesweigh on the average 27.5 pounds and the females average 20.

The fur is grayish, with tints varying from yellowish to rusty and distincly

spotted, they have a flared facial ruff, long prominent black ear tufts and

short tippeed tail.They are often confusedwith theirsmaller feline the




Also these lynx are found to inhabitat scrub vegetation, Mediterranian

woodland and maquis thicket.



THe principal threats of the iberian lynx is the destruction of his habitat

and its prey base. Also their prey gets diseases so the iberian lynx also gets that disease.


Finally, here you saw all the information about the iberian lynx. We studied their charachteristics.Personally we think the iberian lynx is a beautiful animal and we should protect them.

Meet the Iberian Lynx

Kingdom: Animalia

Family: Felidae

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